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Original vintage oil and gas magazine ad for AERO DESIGN AND ENGINEERING COMPANY. Main office and factory was located at Tulakes Airport, Bethany, OK.  AERO COMMANDER C-560-A airplane.

On the reverse side (click Additional Images tab) is an ad for American Iron & Machine Works Co. in Oklahoma City, OK.   Bryers Portobase, Inc. in Chanute, KS., and for F. J. Edwards Limited Machinery Makers from London, England.  Old 1955 petroleum industry advertisement.  Would look sensational when matted and framed!

aero design and engineering 1955 commander c-560-a airplane vintage ad

  • Product Code: p284
  • Length: 12 inches
  • Width: 9 inches
  • Pages: 1
  • Views: 139
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $19.00
  • $14.25

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  • You save: $4.75 (25%)

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