Wood Catalogs
Vintage Wood Catalogs
We have a large selection of original vintage Wood catalogs. Some catalogs / brochures may have only one or two pages and others may have several hundred pages, all depending on how many products the company offered and their budget for this type of marketing. Most of the multi-page catalogs have covers with awesome graphics. They look great and would display wonderful when matted and framed.
A F Schwerd Mfg Company 1938 Vintage Catalog Wood Staved Columns
Original wood trade vintage catalog for A. F. SCHWERD MANUFACTURING COMPANY more. Main office and factory was located in Pittsburgh, PA. Manufacturers of Wood Staved Columns. Pictured is the Quality Columns at Entrance to the H.J. Heinz Company Pier, Atlantic City, NJ. R. Maurice Trimble, Architect. Used at the Haddon Fortnightly Club, the Harvard University School of Business, the Merersburg Academy, the White Sulphur Springs Hotel, the Ira Allen Chapel, the Odd Fellows Home, Gettysburg College, the Veteran's Bureau Hospital, the US Marine Base, the Naval Air Station, t less
$18.00 $13.50
Acme Tank Company 1936 Vintage Catalog Wood Vats Towers Angle Steel
Original old wood trade vintage catalog for ACME TANK COMPANY more. Main office and factory was located at 39 Cortlandt Street, New York City, NY. Manufacturers of Wood Tanks. Products include Angle steel towers, wood vats for village or factory, fire protection and water supply. Unbound from a large 1936 architectural catalog, this unique one-page technical brochure would display terrific matted and framed. Nice graphics. A marvelous addition to your retro wood library. less
$22.00 $16.50
Alpine Engineered Products Inc 1982 Vintage Catalog Wood Truss Joists
Original wood trade vintage catalog for ALPINE ENGINEERED PRODUCTS, INC more. National headquarters was located in Pompano Beach, FL. Manufacturers of Trusses. Joists of wood offer numerous unique design advantages in commercial, industrial and residential applications. Used in a medical complex, equestrian stable and show facility, Sambos Restaurant, and Condominium Ski Lodge. Framing details, span tables, maximum duct dimensions for system 42 trusses, system 42 floor truss span tables, system 44 span tables, system 42 roof truss span tables and I-42 wood joist span less
$25.00 $18.75
American Lumber Treating Company 1938 Vintage Catalog Wolman Salts
Original wood trade vintage catalog for AMERICAN LUMBER & TREATING COMPANY more. Main office and plant was located at 37 West Van Buren Street, Chicago, IL. Manufacturers of Genuine Wolman Salts Wood Preservative. Wolmanizing, A Process of Impregnation. Protects against decay and termites. A.L.T. CO. Unbound from a large 1938 architectural catalog, this unique old one page technical brochure would display terrific matted and framed. A marvelous addition to your retro wood library. less
$18.00 $13.50
American Lumber Treating Company 1941 vintage wood catalog Wolmanized
Original 1941 wood trade vintage catalog for the AMERICAN LUMBER & TREATING COMPANY more. Main office was located at 332 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL. Manufacturers of Wolmanized Lumber - protected against decay and termites. The term 'Wolmanized' is applied to any species of lumber or timber which has been impregnated by the vacuum-pressure, full-cell process with a solution of Wolman Salts Preservative. The physical characteristics of the wood are in no way adversely affected by the treatment. Color is not appreciably altered. Any effect on strength or fire-resistan less
$40.00 $30.00
American Wood Preservers Institute 1982 Vintage Catalog Pressure Treat
Original wood trade vintage catalog for AMERICAN WOOD PRESERVERS INSTITUTE more. The AWPI home office was located at 1651 Old Meadow Road, McLean, VA. Manufacturers of Pressure treated woods. Timber piles are used for foundations in commercial and industrial buildings, trestles, highway bridges, docks, piers, terminals, marinas, bulkheads, and beach homes. Numerous images, illustrations, product details and architect specifications are provided. Unbound from a large 1982 architectural catalog, this unique old four page technical brochure would display terrific matted and less
$15.00 $11.25
Appalachian Hardwood Mfg Inc 1938 Vintage Catalog Wood White Red Oak
Original wood trade vintage catalog for APPALACHIAN HARDWOOD MANUFACTURERS, INC more. Main office was located at 414 Walnut Street, Cincinnati, OH. Manufacturers of White, Red Oak Hard Wood Lumber. Products include Poplar, Chestnut, Cherry, Basswood, Birch, Beech, Maple, Ash, Oak Flooring for Nailed & Mastic Installation and Yellow Poplar for Painted & Enameled Woodwork. Unbound from a large 1938 architectural catalog, this unique old four page technical brochure would display terrific matted and framed. Nice graphics. A marvelous addition to your retro wood library. Pages are less
$22.00 $16.50
Arkansas Soft Pine Bureau 1949 vintage wood catalog studs joists floor
Original 1949 wood trade vintage catalog for the ARKANSAS SOFT PINE BUREAU more. Main office was located in the Boyle Building, Little Rock, AR. Manufacturers of Arkansas Soft Pine. 'Satin-Like Interior Trim - Soft-Textured Framing Lumber'. Products include Studs, Joists, Rafters and Finish Flooring, all are fully featured.Has numerous product images, description, applications and specifications charts to provide product details. Unbound from a large rare 1949 Architectural Catalog for Builders, this unique old four-page technical brochure would display be less
$40.00 $30.00
Arthur J Rieser Panel Veneer Company 1938 Vintage Catalog Plywood Tops
Original wood trade vintage catalog for ARTHUR J. RIESER PANEL & VENEER COMPANY, INC more. Main office and factory was located at 156 East 30th Street, New York City, NY. Manufacturers of Plywood. Over a Million Square Feet of Plywood Tops and Panels Carried in Stock for Immediate Delivery. Shop interior in Satinwood Plywood, Jaff Brothers Woodworks, Contractors. Church Interior in Quartered Oak Plywood, Artcraft Woodworking Corp, Contractors. Room Interior in Knotty Pine, S. Silver & Company, Contractors. Office in American Walnut Plywood, S. Silver & Company, Contractors. Unb less
$18.00 $13.50
Associated Plywood Mills Inc 1954 Vintage Catalog Wood Douglas Fir
Original wood trade vintage catalog for ASSOCIATED PLYWOOD MILLS, INC more. Main office was located in Eugene, OR. Plants were located in Eugene and Willamina, Oregon. Manufacturers of Douglas Fir Plywood. Douglas Fir miracle wood of 1000 uses. There is a type, size and grade of APMI product for every building need. Used in homes, farms, marine use, railroads, offices, motor freight, furniture, and fixtures. Pictured are the Mills, and Branch Sales Warehouses in Dallas, Houston, San Francisco, St. Louis and Charlotte. Unbound from a large 1954 architectural catal less
$35.00 $26.25
Atlas Plywood Corp 1954 Vintage Catalog Wood Panels Hard Soft Building
Original wood trade vintage catalog for ATLAS PLYWOOD CORPORATION more. Executive office was located in Statler Building, Boston, MA. Manufacturers of Plywood. Hard and soft wood panels for all building needs. Architectural, utility, concrete forms, door panels, cupboard doors, furniture panels, and lumber core grades. From forest to finished product is Atlas's role in the production of panels for every modern use. Unbound from a large 1954 architectural catalog, this unique old four page technical brochure would display terrific matted and framed. Nice cover less
$35.00 $26.25
B J Carney Company 1943 Vintage Catalog Cedar Pole Piling Post Service
Original electrical trade vintage catalog for B J CARNEY & COMPANY more. Main office was located in the Peyton Building, Spokane, WA. Service is the thing. Manufacturers of cedar poles, piling, posts of Western Red and Northern White Cedar. Pentrex treating plants are modernly equipped to give butt treatment under any stand spec. The very latest machinery is installed in modern and spacious yards. Disbound from a large 1943 architect construction materials book, this unique old one page technical specifications brochure would display wonderfully matted and frame less
$28.00 $21.00
Bartlett Mfg Company 1949 Vintage Catalog Tree Saws Trimming Equipment
Original wood trade vintage catalog for BARTLETT MANUFACTURING COMPANY more. Main office and factory was located at 3003 East Grand Blvd, Detroit, MI. Manufacturers of Tree trimming equipment, metal saws and cutting shears for lineman use. No 1-W, 1-B Bakelite, P-156 sleeve, 1-WE combination pruner and saw-octagon pole, 124B 24 saw, leather sheath, No 777 two hand pruner, no. 19 heavy duty shear are listed. Disbound from a large 1949 construction materials book, this unique old one page technical specifications brochure would display wonderfully matted and framed. less
$30.00 $22.50
Bell Lumber Pole Company 1942 Vintage Catalog Cedar Western Red White
Original wood trade vintage catalog for BELL LUMBER & POLE COMPANY more. Main office and factory was located in Minneapolis, MN. Manufacturers of Western red and Northern white cedar, strength averages more than 20 percent higher than approved specs. The new shaving machine produces a smooth and perfectly found finished pole from end to end. Disbound from a large 1942 construction materials book, this unique old one page technical specifications brochure would display wonderfully matted and framed. A marvelous addition to your retro lumber library. Contains a smal less
$26.00 $19.50
Bell Lumber Pole Company 1943 Vintage Catalog Cedar Long-Life Electric
Original wood trade vintage catalog for BELL LUMBER & POLE COMPANY more. Main office and factory was located in Minneapolis, MN. Manufacturers of Long-Life cedar electric poles of western red and northern white. Used for all industrial utilities. The company owns its own timber, thousands of acres in the interior high altitude areas of the Rocky Mountains. Disbound from a large 1943 construction materials book, this unique old one page technical specifications brochure would display wonderfully matted and framed. A marvelous addition to your retro lumber industry less
$28.00 $21.00
C-A-Wood-Preserver Company 1916 Vintage Catalog Carbolineum America
Original wood trade vintage catalog for C-A-WOOD PRESERVER COMPANY, INC more. Main office and factory was located in St. Louis, MO. Manufacturers of Carbolineum America, a superficial method for wood preservation. Contains pure high boiling coal tar oils. It is the only wood preserver sold with a quality affidavit guaranteeing superiority. Unbound from a large 1916 architectural catalog, this unique old one page technical brochure would display terrific matted and framed. Nice graphics. A marvelous addition to your retro wood library. less
$33.00 $24.75