Tools - Hand Ads
Vintage Hand Tools Ads
Original period hand tools magazine vintage ads display wonderfully matted and framed. Unique old collectible advertisements for Armstrong Bray, Charles H Besly, Duplex Manufacturing, E C Atkins, G W Griffin, Millers Falls, Nicholson File, Reed and Prince Manufacturing, Ridge Tool Company, Trimont Manufacturing and more! Includes screw driver, hammer, taps, files, shear, saw, blades.
armstrong-bray company 1948 gear and wheel pullers vintage ad
Original vintage industrial magazine ad for ARMSTRONG-BRAY COMPANY of Chicago, IL more. Quickly and easily pull gears, wheels, pulleys and bearings off shafts without damage or breakage. Steelgrip Pullers and Chaingrip Universal Pullers. Old 1948 fractional page industry advertisement. Would display magnificently matted and framed!Approximate ad size 3 x 5 inches. less
$13.00 $9.75
charles h. besly company 1948 taps are part of this picture vintage ad
Original vintage industrial magazine ad, for CHARLES H. BESLY COMPANY of Chicago, IL more. Bestly Taps Are Part of This Picture they Cut Accurate Threads for Mercury Outboard Motors. For close tolerance threading of aluminum outboard motor parts the Kiekhaefer Corporation, Cedarburg, and Fond du Lac, WI. relies on Besly had, high speed machine screw taps to help achieve the power and reliability for which Mercury Motors are world famous. Old dated 1948 tool industry advertisement.Approximate size 8 x 11 inches. less
$16.00 $12.00
charles h. besly company 1948 this helping hand taps vintage ad
Original vintage industrial magazine ad, for CHARLES H. BESLY COMPANY of Chicago, IL more. This Helping Hand has 5 Strong Fingers. Besly Taps, Titan Abrasive Wheels, Grinders and Accessories. Old 1948 dated industry advertisement. (The scan shows a slight pink tint that is not on the actual ad.)Approximate size 8 x 11 inches. less
$15.00 $11.25
crescent tool company 1936 no bow straight rigid hack saw vintage ad
Original old electrical industrial trade magazine ad for CRESCENT TOOL COMPANY of Jamestown, NY more. No Bow In This Baby, Straight as a String, Rigid as a Rock! Crescent Hack Saw. Smith and Hemenway. This 1936 industry magazine advertisement would display beautifully matted and framed. less
$29.00 $21.75
crescent tool company 1936 shake hands real snip action vintage ad
Original old electrical industry trade magazine ad for CRESCENT TOOL COMPANY of Jamestown, NY more. Shake Hands with a Real Snip. Crescent No. U-416 Snip. Smith and Hemenway. This 1936 industrial magazine advertisement would display beautifully matted and framed. less
$25.00 $18.75
e c atkins company 1926 lifetime of saving silver steel saw vintage ad
Original vintage magazine ad, E.C. ATKINS COMPANY of Indianapolis, IN more. A Lifetime of Saving! E. C. Atkins Silver Steel Saws. Old 1926 tool advertisement. less
$12.99 $9.74
fayette r plumb inc 1948 made to fit your grip hammer tool vintage ad
Original vintage magazine ad for FAYETTE R. PLUMB, Inc of Philadelphia, PA more. Made to Fit Your Grip for faster, more accurate blows. Hickory handle on every hammer. The red handle with the black head, exclusively Plumb. less
$15.00 $11.25
g w griffin company 1948 longer cutting life hacksaw blades vintage ad
Original vintage industrial magazine ad for G.W. GRIFFIN COMPANY of Franklin, NH more. Pick These Blades for Longer Cutting Life. Hack Saw Blades and Band Saws. Old 1948 fractional page hand tools industry advertisement. Would display magnificently matted and framed!Approximate ad size 5 x 5 inches. less
$15.99 $11.99
g w griffin company 1948 pick hack saw blade flexibility vintage ad
Original vintage industrial magazine ad, for G. W. GRIFFIN COMPANY of Franklin, NH more. Pick This Blade for Flexibility plus Toughness. Griffin Hack Saw Blades and Band Saws. General sales agent John H. Graham and Company, Inc. of New York, NY. Old 1948 fractional page industry advertisement. less
$15.00 $11.25
j h williams company 1948 streamlined strength superrenches vintage ad
Original vintage industrial magazine ad for J. H. WILLIAMS COMPANY more. Main office and factory was located in Buffalo, NY. You Get Streamlined Strength with Williams Superrenches. Wrenches, Sockets, Pliers, Hammers. Old dated 1948 industry advertisement. (The scan shows a slight pink tint that is not on the actual ad.) less
$19.99 $14.99
j h williams company 1959 finest fit feel finish wrenches vintage ad
Original hand tools vintage magazine ad for the J H WILLIAMS COMPANY. more Main office and factory was located at 415 Vulcan Street, Buffalo, NY. Finest in fit, feel and finish. New design wrenches. Superrenches with drop-forged alloy steel allows trim heads and slim handles to give the same balanced feel in all sizes and styles. Division of United-Greenfield Corporation. This 1959 unique old one-page petroleum oilfield drilling equipment trade advertisement would display beautifully matted and framed. less
$21.00 $15.75
j h williams company 1959 spare parts superjustable tool vintage ad
Original hand tools vintage magazine ad for the J H WILLIAMS COMPANY more. Main office and factory was located at 415 Vulcan Street, Buffalo, NY. Spare parts rare, Superjustable tool last, and last. Drop forged tools of industry. Division of United-Greenfield Corporation. This 1959 one page old petroleum industrial wrench trade advertisement would display beautifully matted and framed. less
$24.00 $18.00
l s starrett company 1948 r comport winning combination vintage ad
Original vintage industrial magazine ad for THE L. S. STARRETT COMPANY of Athol, MA more. Starrett Tools a Winning Combination. Hands by Robert Comport is a Prize winning Photographic Study Selected for Excellence of detail. shown in the study are Starrett micrometer No. 230 and Starrett Telescoping Gage No. 229. Old dated 1948 hand tool industry advertisement. Would display magnificently matted and framed!Approximate size 8 x 11 inches less
$16.00 $12.00
millers falls co 1948 single-edge blu-mol hacksaw blades vintage ad
Original vintage industrial magazine ad MILLERS FALLS COMPANY of Greenfield, MA more. Single-Edge Blu-Mol Hacksaw Blades. Rock Bottom Cutting Costs. Old 1948 fractional page hand tool industry advertisement. Would display magnificently matted and framed!Approximate ad size 5 x 11 inches. less
$14.00 $10.50
new britain machine company 1948 heavy work soft touch tool vintage ad
Original vintage industrial magazine ad for NEW BRITAIN MACHINE COMPANY of New Britain, CT more. Make a Heavy Work A Soft Touch with a New Britain Mobile Equipment Set. Greater Strength Hand Tools. Old 1948 industry advertisement. Would display marvelously matted and framed!Approximate size 8 x 11 inches. less
$14.00 $10.50
new britain machine company 1948 tools you might forget vintage ad
Original vintage industrial magazine ad, for NEW BRITAIN MACHINE COMPANY of New Britain, CT more. New Britain Remembers the Tolls You Might forget! Ratchet, Extensions, Ignition Pliers, Flex Sockets, Flaring Tool, Square Shank Screw Driver. Old dated 1948 industry advertisement. (The scan shows a slight pink tint that is not on the actual ad.)Approximate size 8 x 11 inches. less
$14.00 $10.50