Industrial Ads
Vintage Industrial Equipment Ads
Original vintage industrial magazine ads display wonderfully matted and framed. Unique old collectible advertisements for Aerofin, Aetna Ball Roller Bearing Company, Allied Chemical and Dye Corporation, American Chain and Cable, Arkwright Finishing, Atlas-Pacific Engineering, Battle Creek Bread Wrapping Machine Company, Bay State Tap and Dye, Berlin Chapman, Briggs and Stratton, Buffalo Bolt, Canning Machinery Supplies Association, Celanese Corporation of America, Chisholm Ryder, Clark Brothers Bolt, Clearing Machine, Cleveland Cap and Screw Company, Continental Diamond Fiber, Crane, Cross, Darling Valve, Dayton Rubber, De Laval Steam Turbine, Dow, Eaton, Enterprise, Exact Weight Scale Company, F J Stokes Machine Company, Food Machinery, Gisholt Machine, Goodyear Tire Rubber, Grinnell, H M Harper, H M Sawyer and Son, Heald Machine, Homestead Valve, Hoskins Manufacturing, Hy-Pro Tool, Ingersoll Rand, Jas P Marsh, Johns Manville, Koopers, L A Young Spring Wire, Ladish, Layne and Bowler, Lea Manufacturing, Link-Belt, Macwhyte, Meyercord, Morse Chain, National Screw, New Britain Machine, Ohio Rubber, OPW, Pacific-Western Gear Products, Peck Spring, Philip Carey, Phillips Screw, Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, Quaker Rubber, Raybestos-Manhattan, Reid Boiler Works, Rhode Island Tool, Rockwood Sprinkler, SS White Dental, Shepard Niles Crane Hoist, Spicer, Sterling Bolt, Superior Foundry, Taylor Instrument, Thompson Products, Torrington, Triplex Screw, Veeder-Root, Valdes Kohinoor, Wickwire Spencer Steel, Worthington Pump, York, and many more!
a h nilson machine company 1931 rotary wire straightener vintage ad
Original vintage magazine ad for A. H. NILSON MACHINE more COMPANY. Motor-driven Rotary wire straightener easily connected to any machine and will quickly pay for itself wherever wire is being used in production. Main office located in Bridgeport, CT. This unique 1931 old one page industrial trade advertisement would display beautifully matted and framed. less
$28.00 $21.00
a w hecker 1943 added machine hours increase production vintage ad
Original World War 2 industrial propaganda magazine vintage ad for A more. W. HECKER of Detroit, MI. Added Machine Hours Free! With Hecker tools you can cut the time needed for setting up, and increase the production time of your machines. Old 1943 WW2 era advertisement. less
$26.00 $19.50
acme pattern tool company 1943 action victory ww2 wartime vintage ad
Original vintage magazine ad for ACME PATTERN TOOL COMPANY more. Main office and factory was located in Dayton, OH. Action for Victory WW2 wartime Jeep serving many vital needs of our boys in the battle areas. We welcome opportunities to try to break our own records in turning out the patterns, dies, gages, aluminum castings and specialized tools needed by metal-working war industries. For victory buy war bonds and stamps. This old 1943 one-page industrial trade magazine advertisement would display beautifully matted and framed.& less
$25.00 $18.75
Acme Steel Company 1938 vintage industrial ad steelstrap ties seals
Original 1938 textile industrial trade vintage ad for ACME STEEL COMPANY more. Main office and plant was located at 2833 Archer Avenue, Chicago, IL. Manufacturers of Acme Steelstrap and Tools for reinforcing all sizes of wood or fibre boxes, and bundles. Acme Steel Company manufactures the most complete line of tools and accessories in the world for the application of Acme Steelstrap.Products include:Acme Bale Ties and Seals - Hundreds of mills are using Acme Bale Ties and Seals, as the easiest, safest and most economical method of strapping their bales.Ac less
$35.00 $26.25
acme steel company 1943 urgent idle strapping tools needed vintage ad
Original World War 2 industrial propaganda magazine vintage ad for ACME STEEL COMPANY of Chicago, IL more. Urgent! Idle Strapping Tools Needed. You can help prevent delay in shipping and damage to vital material destined to fighting fronts by loaning tools now. Ship to ACME Steel Company of immediate placement on War Jobs. Old 1943 WW2 era advertisement. less
$21.00 $15.75
acme steel company 1943 wanted idle strapping tools needed vintage ad
Original World War 2 industrial propaganda magazine vintage ad for ACME STEEL COMPANY of Chicago, IL more. Wanted Your Idle Strapping Tools for Vital War Needs. Old 1943 WW2 era advertisement. less
$21.00 $15.75
adolph i buehler inc 1943 metallurgical testing ww2 wartime vintage ad
Original WW2 wartime magazine vintage ad for ADOLPH I BUEHLER, INC more. Main office and factory was located at 228 North LaSalle Street, Chicago, IL. Metallurgical testing equipment including AB DeLuxe Polishing Machine, Lead Lapping, Eye Shade Magnifier, Specimen Mount Press. Precision optical instruments, metallurgical apparatus. This old 1943 one page industrial trade magazine advertisement would display beautifully matted and framed. less
$25.00 $18.75
advance glove mfg company 1948 preferred tiger grip vintage ad
Original vintage industrial magazine ad for ADVANCE GLOVE MANUFACTURING COMPANY of Detroit, MI more. Preferred by the Man on the Job Tiger Grip Work Gloves. Old 1948 fractional page industry advertisement. Would display magnificently matted and framed! less
$16.00 $12.00
aerofin corp 1953 high efficiency heat transfer surface vintage ad
Original vintage oil and gas industry trade magazine ad for AEROFIN CORPORATION of Syracuse, NY more. High Efficiency Heat Transfer Surface. Highly skilled engineering staff, at the plant and in the field. Old 1953 petroleum equipment advertisement. less
$17.99 $13.49
aeroquip corp 1953 connect disconnect fluid carrying lines vintage ad
Original vintage oil and gas trade magazine ad for AEROQUIP CORPORATION of Jackson, MI more. To Connect and Disconnect Fluid Carrying Lines Fast, Push Pull Aeroquip Slide Seal Couplings. Saves Time and Money. Old 1953 petroleum industry equipment advertisement. less
$17.99 $13.49
ahlberg bearing company 1948 run smoothly quietly long life vintage ad
Original vintage magazine ad for AHLBERG BEARING COMPANY of 3039 West 47th Street, Chicago, IL more. HERE'S WHY CJB Ahlberg Ball Bearings Run Smoothly Quietly with Long Life. Old 1948 industrial advertisement. less
$14.00 $10.50
air reduction 1943 airco cushioning flagships easy landings vintage ad
Original World War 2 industrial propaganda trade magazine vintage ad for AIR REDUCTION of New York City, NY more. AirCo Cushioning Flagships for Easy Landings with an Airco gas regulator. Magnolia-Airco Gas Products Company. Old 1943 WW2 era advertisement. less
$16.00 $12.00
air reduction 1943 airco days off shipbuilding schedules vintage ad
Original World War 2 industrial propaganda trade magazine vintage ad for AIR REDUCTION of New York City, NY more. AirCo Slicing Days off Shipbuilding Schedules with the oxyacetylene flame. Magnolia-Airco Gas Products Company. Old 1943 WW2 era advertisement. less
$15.00 $11.25
air reduction 1943 airco machine welding arteries industry vintage ad
Original World War 2 industrial propaganda trade magazine vintage ad for AIR REDUCTION of New York City, NY more. AirCo Machine Welding Arteries for Industry. Automatic welding methods with the oxyacetylene flame. Magnolia-AirCo Gas Products Company. Old 1943 WW2 era advertisement. less
$22.00 $16.50
air reduction 1943 airco welded transport production troops vintage ad
Original World War 2 industrial propaganda magazine vintage ad for AIR REDUCTION more. Main office was located in New York City, NY. Airco Welded Transports for Production Troops are Lighter, Stronger and Faster. Photos courtesy of Mack Trucks, Inc. Old 1943 WW2 era advertisement. less
$15.00 $11.25
allen mfg company 1948 super strength socket tool vintage ad
Original vintage industrial magazine ad for ALLEN MANUFACTURING COMPANY of Hartford, CT more. There's Super Strength In That Socket. Get Higher Uniform Quality, Buy Allens. Allen Hex Socket Flat Head Cap Screws. Old 1948 fractional page industry advertisement. Would display magnificently matted and framed!Approximate ad size 5 x 11 inches. less
$12.99 $9.74