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Ice Cream Ads

Vintage Ice Cream Ads

Original vintage ice cream trade magazine ads display wonderfully matted and framed. Learn about the high proportion of bound water used to protect ice cream texture from heat shock, the enemy of ice cream.  Unique old collectible advertisements for Ace Cabinet, American Breddo, Dry Milk, Food Laboratories, American Paper Goods, Anderson and Wagner, Bastian Blessing, Batavia Body Company, Biltmore Dairy Farms, Bloomer Brothers, C Nelson Manufacturing, Charles A Peterson, Cherry Burrell, Chill-Rite Fruit, Container Corporation of America, Copeland Refrigeration, Creamery Package, Damrow Brothers, David Michael and Company, Drumstick Inc., Empire Biscuits, Foote and Jenks, Fulton Engineering, General Ice Cream, Grand Rapids Cabinet, Hackney Bros Body, Hooton, Chocolate, Ice cream Novelties, Joe Lowe Corporation, Kelco Company, King Company of Owatonna, Land O Lakes, Lily-Tulip Cup, Malt-A-Plenty, Marathon, National Pectin Products, Oval Wood Dish, Pangburn, Pfaudler, Refined Syrups, Robert A Johnston, Safe-T Baking, Savage Arms, Schaefer, Sutherland Paper, Tastee Freez, Vanilla Laboratories, Vendo, Walter Baker Chocolate, Wood and Selick Novelties,  and more!  Includes soda fountain cabinets, equipment, flavoring, packaging, trucks, storage, freezers, dispensers.

Showing 1 to 16 of 688 (43 Pages)
A E Staley Mfg Company 1944 vintage ad ice cream invitation learning

A E Staley Mfg Company 1944 vintage ad ice cream invitation learning

Original ice cream trade vintage ad for A. E. STALEY MANUFACTURING COMPANY more.  Main office and plant was located in Decatur, IL. Manufacturers of Soy Flour.Products include Hi-Fat Soy Flour, Lo-Fat Soy Flour and Soy Grits.An invitation to learning about some of the unique properties possessed by Soy Flour, and a word about the way Staley's food chemists can help you derive the full benefit of the advantages it offers the ice cream industry.This unique old 1944 one-page ad would display beautifully matted and framed.  A fantastic addition to your vinta less

$30.00   $22.50

You save: $7.50 (25%)

A E Staley Mfg Company 1944 vintage ad ice cream Soy Flour actually

A E Staley Mfg Company 1944 vintage ad ice cream Soy Flour actually

Original ice cream trade vintage ad for A. E. STALEY MANUFACTURING COMPANY more.  Main office and plant was located in Decatur, IL. Manufacturers of Soy Flour.Products include Hi-Fat Soy Flour, Lo-Fat Soy Flour and Soy Grits. Why not find out what Soy Flour actually can do for you?There are certain things' soy flour cannot do. But there are so many amazing things it can do and is doing in the food industries today, that it well deserves the title miracle food of the ages. Nutrition-wise, soy flour is unexcelled. Almost 50% protein, it is 2.5 times higher less

$30.00   $22.50

You save: $7.50 (25%)

A E Staley Mfg Company 1944 vintage ad ice cream Soy Flour advantages

A E Staley Mfg Company 1944 vintage ad ice cream Soy Flour advantages

Original ice cream trade vintage ad for A E STALEY MANUFACTURING COMPANY more.  Main office and plant was located in Decatur, IL. Manufacturers of Soy Flour.Products include Soy Grits, Lo-Fat Soy Flour and Hi-Fat Soy Flour.Look into the advantages Soy Flour can afford you today!For new things are being discovered about soy flour every day. Staley's seventy-man laboratory of food chemistry is engaged in continuous tests involving this amazing new food ingredient.  New uses for soy flour, new applications, new methods and procedures are constantly being less

$30.00   $22.50

You save: $7.50 (25%)

A E Staley Mfg Company 1944 vintage ad ice cream Soy Flour facts

A E Staley Mfg Company 1944 vintage ad ice cream Soy Flour facts

Original ice cream trade vintage ad for A. E. STALEY MANUFACTURING COMPANY more.  Main office and plant was located in Decatur, IL. Manufacturers of Soy Flour. Corn and Soy Bean Products.Products include Soy Grits, Hi-Fat Soy  Flour and Lo-Fat Soy Flour.Don't miss any bets on Soy Flour by failing to get the facts!People today are demanding these nutritional values in the foods they buy and eat. But food experts know, too, that even the most nutritious foods must be highly palatable and attractive, or they cannot win acceptance. That is why modern so less

$30.00   $22.50

You save: $7.50 (25%)

A E Staley Mfg Company 1951 Vintage Ad Ice Cream Corn Syrup Sweetose

A E Staley Mfg Company 1951 Vintage Ad Ice Cream Corn Syrup Sweetose

Original ice cream trade magazine vintage ad for A. E. STALEY MANUFACTURING COMPANY more. Main office and factory was located in Decatur, IL. Sweetose Corn Syrup Puts You Ahead of Competition in Every Way! Investigate this new way to make better, lower cost ice cream today. This unique 1951 old dairy industry magazine advertisement would display beautifully matted and framed. Nice graphics. less

$18.99   $14.24

You save: $4.75 (25%)

A E Staley Mfg Company 1959 Vintage Ad Ice Cream Syrup Flavor Sweetose

A E Staley Mfg Company 1959 Vintage Ad Ice Cream Syrup Flavor Sweetose

Original ice cream trade magazine vintage ad for A. E. STALEY MANUFACTURING COMPANY more. Main office and plant was located in Decatur, IL. Sweetose Syrup never clouds flavor, instead it enhances, lets your original flavor shine through. You have perfect formula balance at all times. The original enzyme-converted corn syrup. This unique 1959 old dairy industry magazine advertisement would display beautifully matted and framed. Nice graphics. less

$23.00   $17.25

You save: $5.75 (25%)

Ace Cabinet Corp 1951 Vintage Ad Ice Cream Merchandiser Cabinet Profit

Ace Cabinet Corp 1951 Vintage Ad Ice Cream Merchandiser Cabinet Profit

Original ice cream trade magazine vintage ad for ACE CABINET CORPORATION more. Main office and factory was located in New Bedford, MA. Everyone Profits When you Install our See All Ice Cream Merchandiser. Ice cream cabinet sells more, holds more, hows more! This unique 1951 old dairy industry magazine advertisement would display beautifully matted and framed. Nice graphics. less

$19.99   $14.99

You save: $5.00 (25%)

Ace Cabinet Corp 1952 Vintage Ad Ice Cream Dispensing Low Temperature

Ace Cabinet Corp 1952 Vintage Ad Ice Cream Dispensing Low Temperature

Original ice cream trade magazine vintage ad for ACE CABINET CORPORATION more. Main office and plant was located in New Bedford, MA. Executive Sales Office was located at 1457 Broadway, New York City, NY. Our name on thousands of low temperature cabinets in operation throughout the world is proof-positive of international acceptance! This unique 1952 old dairy industry magazine advertisement would display beautifully matted and framed. Nice graphics. less

$22.00   $16.50

You save: $5.50 (25%)

Allied Chemical Dye Corp 1951 Vintage Ad Ice Cream Food Color Standard

Allied Chemical Dye Corp 1951 Vintage Ad Ice Cream Food Color Standard

Original ice cream trade magazine vintage ad for ALLIED CHEMICAL & DYE CORPORATION more. Main office was located in New York City, NY. National Certified Food Colors Still As Always, The Industry's Standard of Excellence. Certified Color Division National Aniline Division. This unique 1951 old dairy industry magazine advertisement would display beautifully matted and framed. Nice graphics. less

$11.00   $8.25

You save: $2.75 (25%)

Ambrosia Chocolate Company 1959 Vintage Ad Ice Cream Coatings Quality

Ambrosia Chocolate Company 1959 Vintage Ad Ice Cream Coatings Quality

Original ice cream trade magazine vintage ad for AMBROSIA CHOCOLATE COMPANY more. Main office and plant was located at 528 West Highland Avenue, Milwaukee, WI. Quality coatings for your finest ice cream bars with their twin appeal of real chocolate color and flavor and fast, easy dipping assure you of true economy yield in your own plant. This unique 1959 old dairy industry magazine advertisement would display beautifully matted and framed. Nice graphics. less

$22.00   $16.50

You save: $5.50 (25%)

Ambrosia Chocolate Company 1959 Vintage Ad Ice Cream Fondantized

Ambrosia Chocolate Company 1959 Vintage Ad Ice Cream Fondantized

Original ice cream trade magazine vintage ad for AMBROSIA CHOCOLATE COMPANY more. Main office and plant was located at 528 West Highland Avenue, Milwaukee, WI. Manufacturers of Fondantized flavors and cocoas for chocolate ice creams. This unique 1959 old dairy industry magazine advertisement would display beautifully matted and framed. Nice graphics. less

$20.00   $15.00

You save: $5.00 (25%)

Ambrosia Chocolate Company 1959 Vintage Ad Ice Cream L Russell Cook

Ambrosia Chocolate Company 1959 Vintage Ad Ice Cream L Russell Cook

Original ice cream trade magazine vintage ad for AMBROSIA CHOCOLATE COMPANY more. Main office and factory was located at 528 West Highland Avenue, Milwaukee, WI. (L. Russell Cook, President). Ambrosia Fondantized Sweet Cocoa and Crown Fondatized Sweet Chocolate Flavor, created for ice cream with real candy flavor. Has the enthusiastic approval of the hidden market, those who never before had liked chocolate ice cream! This unique 1959 old dairy industry magazine advertisement would display beautifully matted and framed. Nice graphics. less

$24.00   $18.00

You save: $6.00 (25%)

American Can Company 1959 Vintage Ad Ice Cream Marathon Glamakote Hifi

American Can Company 1959 Vintage Ad Ice Cream Marathon Glamakote Hifi

Original ice cream trade magazine vintage ad for AMERICAN CAN COMPANY more. Main office and factory was located in Menasha, WI. Marathon HiFi Glamakote cartons helps you get a bigger share of dessert dollars. Taste tempting serving suggestions printed on whiter than snow topped off with the finest finish you can fine provide a package that won't be passed up. This unique 1959 old dairy industry magazine advertisement would display beautifully matted and framed. Nice graphics. less

$20.00   $15.00

You save: $5.00 (25%)

American Can Company 1959 Vintage Ad Ice Cream Marathon Glamakote Move

American Can Company 1959 Vintage Ad Ice Cream Marathon Glamakote Move

Original ice cream trade magazine vintage ad for AMERICAN CAN COMPANY more. Main office and plant was located in Menasha, WI. Marathon Hi-Fi Glamakote cartons move mountains of ice cream. See for yourself, Pick up any Glamakote carton. Run your finger tips over the oh-so-smooth, high-gloss surface, see how much sharper even the smallest printing becomes. This unique 1959 old dairy industry magazine advertisement would display beautifully matted and framed. Nice graphics. less

$21.00   $15.75

You save: $5.25 (25%)

American Dry Milk Institute Inc 1933 Vintage Ad Ice Cream Dahle Values

American Dry Milk Institute Inc 1933 Vintage Ad Ice Cream Dahle Values

Original ice cream trade magazine vintage ad for AMERICAN DRY MILK INSTITUTE, INC more. Main office was located at Room 1355, 221 N. La Salle Street, Chicago, IL. How to gain greater values from Ice Cream by Professor C. D. Dahle. During the last two years, research at various institutions has yielded much valuable information concerning the importance of dry skim milk as a source of solids-not-fat in ice cream manufacture. This unique 1933 old dairy industry magazine advertisement would display beautifully matted and framed. Nice graphics. less

$13.00   $9.75

You save: $3.25 (25%)

American Dry Milk Institute Inc 1951 Vintage Ad Ice Cream Money Bank

American Dry Milk Institute Inc 1951 Vintage Ad Ice Cream Money Bank

Original ice cream trade magazine vintage ad for AMERICAN DRY MILK INSTITUTE, INC more. Main office was located at 221 North La Salle Street, Chicago, IL. Like Money in the Bank Draw on Nonfat Dry Milk Solids as Your Reserve when Milk Supply Falls Off. This unique 1951 old dairy industry magazine advertisement would display beautifully matted and framed. Nice graphics. less

$14.99   $11.24

You save: $3.75 (25%)

Showing 1 to 16 of 688 (43 Pages)