Bag Ads
Vintage Bag Ads
Original vintage bag manufacturing and packaging ads display beautifully matted and framed. Companies include Bemis Brothers, Chase, Old Dominion, and Van Holten. Marvelous antique collectibles, great for gifts. Would look fantastic when matted and framed.
allied paper bag company 1968 potato chip oneida package vintage ad
Original 1968 potato chip trade magazine vintage ad for ALLIED PAPER BAG CORPORATION more. Division of Oneida Paper Products, INC. Main office and factory was located at 10 Clifton Blvd, Clifton, NJ. Other factories were located in Baltimore, MD, and Los Angeles, CA. The Oneida Package, a tradition of excellence for more than 40 years. This old one page snack food packaging advertisement would display beautifully matted and framed. less
$25.00 $18.75
american bag paper company 1967 potato chipper helper food vintage ad
Original 1967 potato chip trade magazine vintage ad for AMERICAN BAG & PAPER more. CORPORATION. Main office and factory was located at Grant and Ashton Roads, Philadelphia, PA. Chippers Helper. Its the Colussus, our 180-ton, -station coater. It applies multiple layers of PVDC onto substrates like glassine to make uniquepouch material we call Kard-o-Gard. For potato chips, this material is natural. It is twice as goog as polymer-coated cellophanes for blocking oxygen transmission; three times better for keeping out crispness-destroying moisture vapor. This ol less
$25.00 $18.75
bemis brothers bag company 1943 moral in bags macek ww2 vintage ad
Original WW2 industry trade magazine vintage ad for BEMIS BROTHERS BAG more. COMPANY. Main office and factory was located in St. Louis, MO. Morale in Bags. Morale among fighting men depends upon full mess kits, and Uncle Sam spares no effort to see that his warriors on land and sea are the best fed in the world. The work of Mrs. M. Macek at the Bemis factory in St. Louis, is more than just a job. It is a patriotic service. Mrs. Maceki working on war orders for Uncle Sam. Her husband is on active duty in the U.S. Army. Old 1 less
$20.00 $15.00
bemis brothers bag company 1943 workingman has gone to war vintage ad
Original World War 2 business trade magazine vintage ad for BEMIS BROTHERS BAG more. COMPANY. Main office and factory was located in St. Louis, MO. A Working Man Has Gone to War. Chuck Hardy has laid his overalls aside and put on a uniform. He has put down his tools and picked up a rifle. He is an American Hero. Many Bemis Bags have gone to war to help Chuck Hardy do a better job of fighting. They are protecting his food, forming sandbag barricades, and serving him in scores of other ways. Old 1943 WW2 era propaganda advertisement less
$17.00 $12.75
bemis brothers bag company 1948 do you know tite-fit tubing vintage ad
Original vintage magazine advertisement for BEMIS BROTHERS BAG COMPANY more. Main office and factory was located at 5132 Second Avenue, Brooklyn, NY. Do you know by using Bemis Tite-Fit Tubing, you reduce labor and material costs. Old 1948 industrial advertisement. Would look fantastic matted and framed. less
$15.00 $11.25
bemis brothers bag company 1948 for consumer size vintage ad
Original vintage industrial magazine ad for BEMIS BROTHERS BAG COMPANY more. For Consumer Size Economize With Bemis Deltaseal Bags. The Smart Looking Package with Sales Appeal. Old 1948 industry advertisement. Would display magnificently matted and framed!Approximate size 8 x 11 inches. less
$11.00 $8.25
british cellophane ltd 1968 bcl snack food film packaging vintage ad
Original 1968 potato chip trade magazine vintage ad for BRITISH CELLOPHANE LTD more. Main office and factory was located in Regal House, Twickenham, Middlesex, England. All over the world sales of snacks packed in BCL top-barrier films are shooting high. British Cellophane Limited, worlds leading exporters, and Europe's largest manufacturers of transparent films. This old one page snack food package manufacturing advertisement would display beautifully matted and framed. less
$25.00 $18.75
c e stevens brothers inc 1967 chip snack food packaging vintage ad
Original 1967 potato chip trade magazine vintage ad for C. E more. STEVENS BROTHERS, INC. Was located in the Stevens Building, Baltimore, Maryland. Number One For Packaging & Progress. This old one page snack food package manufacturing advertisement would display beautifully matted and framed. less
$25.00 $18.75
c e stevens brothers inc 1968 graduate package service bags vintage ad
Original 1968 potato chip trade magazine vintage ad for C. E more. STEVENS BROTHERS, INC. Main office and factory was located in the Stevens Building, Baltimore, Maryland. The Graduate. C. E, Stevens Brothers, Inc. is about to graduate with the class of 1869 into its second hundred years of packaging service. Celebrate with us. Bags Beautiful. This old one page snack food package manufacturing advertisement would display beautifully matted and framed. less
$25.00 $18.75
chase bag company 1948 nation-wide service 100 years old vintage ad
Original vintage industrial magazine ad for CHASE BAG COMPANY of Chicago, IL more. Nation-Wide Bag Service for 100 Years. Manufacturing bags of all kinds for American industry and agriculture. Old 1948 fractional page industry advertisement. Would display magnificently matted and framed!Approximate ad size 3 x 11inches. less
$13.00 $9.75
daniels mfg company 1967 printed wraps potato chip bags vintage ad
Original 1967 potato chip trade magazine vintage ad for the DANIELS MANUFACTURING COMPANY more. Main office and factory was located in Rhinelander, WI, Sales Offices were located in Chicago, IL, Lawrenceville, NJ, Columbus, OH, Florissant, MO, and Arcadia, CA. Daniels printed wraps put more people in the chips. Put your chips in a Daniels Wrap and the odds are they will put you in the chips too. That is because Daniels knows how to put consumer appeal in snack wraps. As designers and multi-color printers of flecible packaging, Daniels puts everything they have into their wraps less
$25.00 $18.75
daniels mfg company 1967 see package look product food vintage ad
Original 1967 snack trade magazine vintage ad for the DANIELS MANUFACTURING COMPANY more. Main office and factory was located in Rhinelander, WI. Sales Offices were located in Chicago ,IL, Lawrenceville, NJ, Columbus, OH, Florissant, MO., and Arcadia, CA. People must See your package before they can Look at your product. A creative concepts design from our art department ,finist available material for the job and superb printing from our flexigraphic presses assure that your package is looked over, never overlooked. This old one page food packaging magazine adverti less
$25.00 $18.75
dixico inc 1968 professional packaging chips snack food bag vintage ad
Original 1968 potato chip package trade magazine vintage ad for DIXICO, INC more. Main office and factory was located in Dallas, TX Was also located in Memphis, TN and Burlingame, CA. Professionalism in packaging makes a difference! The professional packaging people at dixico are ready to work with your marketing and production departments to bring you the package that is right and profitable for you. This old one page snack food manufacturing advertisement would display beautifully matted and framed. less
$25.00 $18.75
mead corp 1947 biggest jack-in-the-box toy industry paper vintage ad
Original old toy industry trade magazine ad for THE MEAD CORPORATION of New York City, NY more. The Biggest Jack in the Box you ever saw. The US toy industry normally rings up 2000,000,000 a year in sales, but the old cash register won't be big enough for the toy industry now in the making. Paper Makers to America. Mead Papers of the Mead, Dill and Collins and Wheelwright lines. This 1947 magazine advertisement would display beautifully matted and framed. less
$24.00 $18.00
montecatini edison 1968 moplefan-off snack food wrap bags vintage ad
Original 1968 potato chip trade magazine vintage ad for MONTECATINI EDISON S more.p.A. Division of Estero Milano. Main office was located in Milan, Italy. A fashionable garment. Moplefan/OFF does not wrap the product. It clothes it practically and elegantly. It enhances its characteristics, it renders it more attractive, it draws the attention of the consumers. This old one page snack food package manufacturing advertisement would display beautifully matted and framed. less
$25.00 $18.75
nicolet paper company 1967 customized glassine snack food vintage ad
Original 1967 potato chip trade magazine vintage ad for the NICOLET PAPER COMPANY more. Main office and factory was located in West De Pere, Wisconsin. Nicolet customized glassines protect your product longer. Here are the papers you need to meet the varying climate conditions of your market and withstand the demands of high-speed automatic packaging machinery. Your product stays fresher, sell better and are more profitable because breakage is minimized and shelf life is extended. This old dated one page snack food packaging magazine advertisement would display be less
$25.00 $18.75