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  • alistair cookes america photos paintings cartoons drawings book

Hard covered book titled Alistair Cooke's AMERICA. 1975. 400 pages.  A magnificent array of painting, photographs both old and new, drawings, cartoon, and memorabilia supplements the narrative. Together, words and pictures provide an incomparable Cooke's tour of the American past, a uniquely fresh and human portrait of us as we were and as we are. This book is in Good condition. Pages are clean and intact, and the binding is tight. A previous owner's name is stamped on the outer page edges. The dust jacket is torn and chipped. This book would make a lovely addition to your library!

alistair cookes america photos paintings cartoons drawings book

  • Product Code: b461
  • Length: 11 inches
  • Width: 9 inches
  • Pages: 400
  • ISBN: 9780394487267
  • Views: 110
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $8.99
  • $6.74

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