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  • American Solutions Corp 1930 vintage printing catalog AMSOL cement

Original 1930 industrial printing trade vintage catalog for the AMERICAN SOLUTIONS CORPORATION.  Main office and plant was located in Bound Brook, NJ.

Manufacturers of AMSOL - A Colorless Flexible Cement for Padding, Tipping and Binding. Applied Cold, Dries Quickly, No Thinning Necessary.

The cement Printers, Binders and Publishers have been longing for. It successfully fills that long felt want. So different from all other padding compounds; it holds fast under all conditions; padding jobs delivered in less than 30 minutes; no make ready; always ready for instant use; no sharp edges; will not get brittle; used with or without cheesecloth; is transparent; does not deteriorate, hence no waste. The most economical and satisfactory cement ever sold to the printing industry.

Has product description, application and reviews provide product details.

Unbound from a large rare 1930 Newspaper Equipment Catalog, this unique old one-page technical brochure would display beautifully matted and framed.  A fabulous addition to your retro printing industry library.

American Solutions Corp 1930 vintage printing catalog AMSOL cement

  • Product Code: zn834
  • Length: 11 inches
  • Width: 8 inches
  • Pages: 1
  • Views: 50
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $40.00
  • $30.00

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  • You save: $10.00 (25%)

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