Original ice cream trade vintage ad for MENASHA PRODUCTS COMPANY. (Division of Marathon Paper Company). Main office and plant was located in Menasha, WI.
Manufacturers of Packages.
To A Dairyman Whose Packages Need Family Design.
The related appearance of your packages which leads to instant consumer identification of your instant consumer identification of your product is a powerful selling aid. Now is a good time to plan the design changes which make a group of packages which make a group of packages into a family of packages. Many of the most successful family designs in the dairy industry were originated and executed by Menasha's Art Department. They will be glad to undertake that assignment for you so that your packaged line will be ready for postwar, point-of-sale action.
This unique old 1944 one-page ad would display beautifully matted and framed. Nice graphics. A fantastic addition to your vintage ice cream and dairy library. World War 2.
Menasha Products Company 1944 vintage ad ice cream dairyman packages
- Product Code: zk660
- Length: 11 inches
- Width: 8 inches
- Pages: 1
- Views: 113
- Availability: In Stock
- $30.00
25% OFF