Original 1968 potato chip trade magazine vintage ad for MEREDITH & DREW, LTD. Main office and factory was located at Murray House, Babican, London E. C. 2, England. Chippers want to plus your profits? Bag off Meredith & Drew quality savoury biscuits under your own label, utilise that spare capacity! No baking. You pack, you sell, you make money. Top choice flavours; Bacon, chicken, cheese, etc. Chips plus biscuits means plus profits. This old dated one page snack food manufacturing advertisement would display beautifully matted and framed.
meredith drew ltd 1968 chippers quality savoury biscuits vintage ad
- Product Code: zi433
- Length: 9 inches
- Width: 6 inches
- Pages: 1
- Views: 176
- Availability: In Stock
- $25.00
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