Original 1942 food production trade vintage catalog for the NUTRITIONAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, INC. Main office, laboratories and plant were located at 250 Broad Street, South Whitley, IN. Officers of the Company listed are A.F.O. Germann, President, Paul A. Garber, Vice-President, Vernon Jersey, Sec'y-Treasurer, and R.J. Cross, Chemical Engineer.
Manufacturers of Carrot Oil & Carotene. Wheat Germ & Meal.
Carrot oil, like carrots, owes its color and vitamin A activity to carotene, which is also the natural yellow pigment a butter and apricots, and the principal vegetable source of all vitamin A activity. Because carotene can be crystallized and purified, and because of its relatively high stability, it has been made the International Standard of Vitamin A, the activity of 0.6 milligrams of pure beta carotene is by definition one international unit of vitamin A. When used as a source of vitamin A activity, enrichment with carotene never results in the development of a fishy flavor. While carotene, but not carrot oil, may also be extracted from palm oil, alfalfa, nettles, etc, and vitamin A from fish oils, food manufacturers who enrich their foods with a source of vitamin A prefer to declare the enrichment in terms of carrots then otherwise. It is therefore particular interest that the carotene contained in the products below guaranteed to be derived entirely from carrots.
Products include Carex, Carotene Crystals, Pure Carotene, Thiabee and Pharmaceutical Products, all are featured.
Has product description, application and specifications provide product details.
Unbound from a large rare 1942 Food Industry Equipment Catalog, this unique old one-page technical brochure would display beautifully matted and framed. A fabulous addition to your retro food industry library.
Nutritional Research Associates Inc 1942 vintage food catalog carrot
- Product Code: zo100
- Length: 11 inches
- Width: 8 inches
- Pages: 1
- Views: 250
- Availability: In Stock
- $40.00
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