Original 1946 electrical trade vintage catalog for the WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC CORPORATION. Main office and plant were located in Pittsburgh, PA.
Manufacturers of Electrical Equipment. 'Home Electrification for Electrical Living'.
The 4 Degrees of Home Electrification; 'Thrift' Degree, 'Budget' Degree, 'Ideal' Degree and the 'De Luxe' Degree. To help you plan or specify wiring systems for Electrical Living, Four Degrees of Home Electrification were developed, from minimum degree for Electrical Living to the maximum for popular-priced homes. Many other features can be added for more elaborate homes.
Has numerous detailed illustrations, description, applications and specifications.
Unbound from a large rare 1946 Architectural Catalog, this unique old twelve-page technical brochure would display beautifully matted and framed. Awesome cover graphics. A fabulous addition to your retro electrical library.
Westinghouse Electric Corp 1946 vintage catalog home electrification
- Product Code: zq579
- Length: 11 inches
- Width: 8 inches
- Pages: 12
- Views: 7
- Availability: In Stock
- $35.00
25% OFF